Aviso legal

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This website is published by :

BIO HABITAT, a public limited company with share capital of €19,922,640.00, registered in the La Roche sur Yon Trade and Companies Register under number 511 239 915.

Whose registered office is located at: ZI de la Folie Sud - Rue Charles Tellier - La Chaize le Vicomte - CS 50001 - 85036 La Roche sur Yon Cedex (France), hereinafter referred to as ‘Bio Habitat’.

Tel: +33 (0)

E-mail address: marketing@mobilhome-biohabitat.com

Director of publication: Ms Florence BUGEON
Website host: Société Oxeva - 12 Rue de la Bourse, 75002 Paris - Tel: 0 800 50 09 50 - Email: info@oxeva.fr
El diseño y la realización de esta web han sido efectuados por Génération Internet (https://www.generation-net.org/fr/), Agencia web de Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) y en Les Herbiers (Vendée).
Simplified CNIL declaration number: 1745344
Intracommunity VAT number: FR86 511 239 915
IDU number (Filière REP papiers graphiques / CITEO): FR006935_03YUTW
Eco Mobil-home member

This site is best viewed at 1024 x 768.

Access to and use of this site are subject to these ‘Legal notices’ detailed below as well as to applicable laws and/or regulations.

Connection and access to the www.mobilhome-biohabitat.com site (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Site’) implies full and unreserved acceptance by the Internet user of all the provisions of this Legal Notice, which must be consulted each time the user connects to the Site.

Article 1 - Purpose of the Bio Habitat site

The Bio Habitat website aims to :

Present the IRM, O'Hara, BHI and Coco Sweet brands
Present the IRM, O'Hara, BHI and Coco Sweet products
To present the services available from Bio Habitat

Article 2 - Responsibilities of Site users

As a user of the Site, you acknowledge that you have the skills and technical means necessary to access and use this Site.

You acknowledge that you have checked that your computer configuration does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order. You must also have read these Legal Notices and undertake to comply with them.

You use the Site under your sole and entire responsibility. Bio Habitat may not be held responsible for direct or indirect damage, such as, in particular, material loss, loss of data or programmes, financial loss, resulting from the use of this Site or sites linked to it.


Article 3 - Security

You undertake, when using the Site, not to carry out any manipulation likely to lead to computer breakdowns, functional breakdowns or breakdowns of any kind affecting the operation of the Site or of any server or service accessible via the Site.

In particular, you undertake only to make available, in the space constituted by the Site, information, data, documents and files that are reliable, harmless and not likely to affect the operation of the Site or any server or service accessible via the Site.

In using the Site or any server or service accessible via the Site, you undertake to:

  • to comply with national and international laws and regulations in force, as well as the rights of third parties;
  • not to damage the image of Bio Habitat in any way or in any form whatsoever.

Bio Habitat cannot be held responsible in the event of damage caused by the access of an unauthorised third party to the Site or rendering access impossible.

The visitor is informed that access to the Site may be interrupted at any time by Bio Habitat for reasons of maintenance, security or any other technical constraint.

Article 4 - Limitation of BIO HABITAT's liability

4.1 - Limitation of liability
Bio Habitat has opened this Site for the personal information of its users. No commercial use, even partial, of the data presented herein may be made without the prior written agreement of Bio Habitat.

The Site is a platform for small ads for second-hand mobile homes, chalets and canvas for professionals and private individuals. The Site is a free contact service which lists advertisements for second hand mobile homes, chalets and canvas off site or on campsites.

Consequently, Bio Habitat shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracy and/or omission of one or more items of information posted on this Site or for any damage resulting from the intrusion of a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the Site.

The information published on the Site (texts, graphics, photos, etc.) is of a purely general and informative nature and is provided for information purposes only. Despite all our vigilance, this Site cannot constitute a contractual document and cannot be used as a basis for legal action.

To obtain precise and up-to-date information, in particular on prices, availability, characteristics, content and variants of the various products and services listed on this Site, we recommend that you contact the advertiser of your choice, who alone is authorised to provide precise and up-to-date information on the characteristics and prices of the products and services they market.

Bio Habitat pursues a policy of permanent development of the services of its network and reserves the right to modify, without prior notice or public information, the information relating thereto, and in particular that relating to the characteristics and prices of the products presented, without this being able to engage its responsibility.

As Bio Habitat cannot present all or part of the offer presented on this Site, we recommend that you contact the advertiser of your choice to obtain additional and individualised information.

The information appearing on this Site corresponds to the last update of the different pages of the Site when it was put on line. Changes may have been made since the last update. We therefore recommend that you contact the retailer of your choice for the latest information.

Bio Habitat cannot guarantee the reliability and exhaustiveness of the information made available to Internet users on its Site.

Article 5 - Intellectual property

5.1. Copyright
This website is a work of which BIO HABITAT is the author within the meaning of Articles L 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. This site was designed and produced by the Génération Internet agency.

BIO HABITAT holds the intellectual property rights to all the elements making up this site, including its graphic charter, tree structure, browsing interfaces, content, logos, graphics, designs, models, photographs, videos, images, sounds, etc. Any reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, by any means and in any form whatsoever, in whole or in part, as well as any representation, use or modification, even partial, of this site is prohibited. These acts constitute counterfeiting, punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of €300,000 (French Intellectual Property Code, article 335-3).

As such, without the prior written authorisation of BIO HABITAT, you may not make any representation, reproduction, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, whether partial or total, and/or transfer to any medium whatsoever of any element of the site. Distinctive signs and in particular trademarks, corporate names, commercial names, brand names, titles and domain names are the property of BIO HABITAT or its partners and may not be used without the prior authorisation of their owner.

Any violation of the foregoing provisions constitutes an act of counterfeiting liable to engage the civil and/or criminal liability of its author. The elements making up this site are made available for individual consultation and private use, to the exclusion of any possibility of commercial exploitation.

The design, development, graphics and production of this site were carried out by Génération Internet: Web agency in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) and Les Herbiers (Vendée).

Hosting: Société Oxeva - 12 Rue de la Bourse, 75002 Paris - Tel: 0 800 50 09 50 - Email: info@oxeva.fr

5.2. Photo credits
All images on the Site are subject to copyright.

Any reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, by any means and in any form whatsoever, in whole or in part, as well as any representation, use or modification, even partial, of this Site is prohibited. These acts constitute counterfeiting, punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of €300,000 (French Intellectual Property Code, article L 716-10).

5.3. Trademark rights
The O'Hara, IRM, BHI and Coco Sweet brand names and semi-figurative trademarks are the exclusive property of BIO HABITAT. The reproduction, use, affixing, deletion or modification of these trademarks without the prior authorisation of BIO HABITAT or their owners constitutes an infringement punishable by three years
imprisonment and a €300,000 fine (Intellectual Property Code, article 335-2).

Article 6 - Hypertext links and referencing

6.1. The Site may contain hypertext links leading to other internet sites totally independent of the Site. Bio Habitat neither assumes nor guarantees that the information contained in such hypertext links or in any internet site to which they are linked is accurate, complete or true.

Therefore, any access to another website linked to the Site is at your own risk.

6.2. Any creation of a hypertext link to this Site and any referencing of this Site is forbidden without the express written authorisation of Bio Habitat.

Article 7 - Modifications to legal information on the Site

Bio Habitat reserves the right to modify or correct, at any time and without prior notice, the present legal information, in particular in the event of a change in the legislation in force in order to bring it into conformity therewith.

Article 8 - Applicable law

The Site and this Legal Notice are governed by French law.

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